Stay Organized with Our Powerful Student Information Database

Keeping your school organized has never been easier with Teach 'n Go's student information management system.

With our school management software, you can easily store and manage data for student records, teachers, lessons and much more.

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Say Goodbye To Excel Forever

Say Goodbye to Excel Forever

  • At Teach 'n Go, we know that Excel is not designed to manage a school's complex processes
  • Avoid disorganized data with our all-in-one school management software
  • Teach 'n Go allows you to always know what's going on in your school, as well as easily manage students and teachers
Easy to Navigate Software

Organize Your School's Data

  • Store school and student data in easy-to-read tables
  • Easily see which classrooms are being used each day
  • Say goodbye to your outdated general ledger and enjoy easier management of your school
Simplified Pricing

Store Detailed People Profiles

  • Create comprehensive profiles for your school's students, teachers and parents
  • Our student database stores basic information such as contact details, addresses, payment methods, and more!
  • Store and view data in Teach 'n Go's student management system any time
Online Calendar

Log Notes Efficiently

  • Keep notes on your school's classes, students, teachers, parents and prospects.
  • Teach 'n Go's student information system categorizes notes to make them easily accessible
  • Hover over a course to see scheduling details in real-time
  • Students and parents can access a personal calendar to see their scheduled classes and upcoming appointments
Easily Add Attachments

Easily Add Attachments

  • Keep relevant attachments for student attendance, teacher scheduling and lesson management
  • Access attachments from anywhere, at any time
Detailed User Permissions

Manage Detailed User Permissions

  • A host of permissions can be set for teachers, staff, students and related contacts
  • Teach 'n Go's data system allows you to give anyone as much or as little access as needed
Generate Granular Reports

Generate Reports

  • Create several helpful reports to gather valuable information and insights
  • From student progress to attendance and payment management, the possibilities are endless!

Additional Features for Your School's Needs...


Data Filters

Use filters on your data to easily view what you need to see.

Custom Student Fields

Custom Student Fields

Get a quick overview of upcoming lessons and view accurate, up-to-date lesson records from all of your teachers in real-time.

Export to Excel

Export to Excel

Export what you need with our easy-to-use export feature.

Incremental Student ID

Incremental Student ID

If you use incremental student IDs for new students, the system will know th next id to use.

Archive Students & Teachers

Archive Students & Teachers

Archive students and teachers who have left your school to keep records. Archived students and teachers won’t show in the active table lists.

Student Holiday

Student Holiday

Save time and set student holidays, so no need to update attendance.

Data Backups

Data Backups

Our database is backed-up every day to ensure your data is safe.

How It Works

Teach 'n Go is a cloud-based, customizable learning management system with plenty of functionality and tools to make managing your educational institution easier. It's a school management system that allows you to organize all your business-related data, including the data on your teachers, students, and staff, as well as your finances, facility management, etc., on a single platform.

This allows you to use the data provided in real-time to make more sound strategic decisions and grow your school more effectively. Keeping track of your students is very important, and Teach 'n Go allows you to create comprehensive student profiles, teacher profiles, and even parent profiles.

The profiles contain all the necessary information about your students, including contact details, addresses, payment methods, and other important information, and they are accessible to those with sufficient permissions.

The platform also collects all sorts of information and automatically updates the student and teacher profiles to reflect their attendance, absences, performance, and other metrics. It's truly a comprehensive, one-size-fits-all solution for managing your school.

Student Information Database FAQ

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the student information system (SIS) integrated into Teach 'n Go:

What is a student information database or system?

In as simple terms as possible, a student information system (SIS) is an organized collection of student data within educational institutions, including both private and public schools. SIS stores all the important information about individual students, such as their personal details, phone numbers and other contact information, student attendance, educational program they're attending, student performance, and other data.

This allows school administrators to manage and retrieve student data when necessary more easily. However, it's also applied to teachers and other staff, as they're often required to edit data regarding student progress and attendance tracking, allowing you to grant them various permissions to edit data or generate various reports.

How do I create a student database?

It depends on the data you want to store. To build student profiles, start by defining the necessary data, then design your database schema, build accordingly, and input the necessary data. That may sound difficult, but it’s a step-by-step process with the right software. You must secure the database through access controls and encryption to prevent tampering.

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